Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru

National Assembly for Wales

Y Pwyllgor Iechyd, Gofal Cymdeithasol a Chwaraeon

Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

Ymchwiliad I wasanaethau Nyrsio Cymunedol a Nyrsio Adal

Inquiry into Community and District Nursing services


Ymateb gan unigolyn

Evidence from an individual

I work for the Welsh NHS trust and can categorically say there is a dire shortage of registered nurses. There are FAR too many senior managers in our Trust for sure...I am the highest CLINICAL nurse on the hospital floor as such but I have THREE managers above me?? Why??

The nurse training now provides nurses who can prove they can write essays and have lovely degree certificates but in practice the experience is not there! They spend little time on wards during training and too much time in classrooms giving them a distorted and unrealistic expectation of nursing today!

We spend millions on Agency nurses everyday who generally do as little as possible in a shift but get lots more money per hour than an NHS nurse and yet we can hardly get a pay raise/bonus...these NHS nurse are leaving to join Agencys because agency nursing is a lot more attractive/beneficial....

NHS nurses are at the end of their tether..they are tired/fed up/overworked and working in unsafe conditions due to staff shortages..if it doesnt change soon I am afraid we will not have an NHS on the goodwill of nurses!